Sunday, February 8, 2009

We did it!

We did it! All 60, all the way. Our combined time is approximately 66 min! I was third, around 13:40. My boss almost caught up to me in the end. Since he is at least in his late forties, I could not let that happen! Surprisingly, my legs don’t hurt so much this morning. I would have expected them to, lucky me!

EDIT: my actual time was 13:22. Our total time 63.39. Our fastest guy ran 10.19, #2 13:04, I was #3.

ps. If you think my shirt is sexy, you are absolutely right.

ps2. I'll let you know how much money we raised for Chances for Childern later.


Amanda said...

those shirts were sexy. so tight around the tummy... enough to make a girl blush... ;)

René said...

Good to hear that you've got a wife who's maintaining your convidence at an unhealthy high level. Amanda, please clarify: why the blushing?

Hope you're still living the good life over there and that you're collecting the must-sees in a little book so that you can show me around when I get there (2 months...)!

By then I should have a nice color and I'll probably be adjusted to the tropical climate too!

We missed you this weekend... 8 is not 9... but Guitar Hero helped us forgetting that you weren't there...

Take care bro!

Von_Dutch said...

Guitar Hero sure would do that! Hope you guys had fun!!

Mela said...

Goed zo, jongen. :)

Unknown said...

We sure had a lot of fun! It was an 'intimate' party according to Ruud in his efforts to get rid of some young neighbors :-).

Love the shirts and shorts ;-)

Von_Dutch said...

whats wrong with my shorts...?

hmm, intimate parties with Ruud... is that scouting intimate or IT intimate?

Unknown said...

I don't know which one, but there were a lot of sausages involved.

A for effort and time. Verry well done dude.

And to complete the 8 is not 9 statement, Hooghalen is not Groningen. We need you here next time.

René said...

Aint no part like an intimate party!

Markas said...

gefeliciteerd jongen! ziet er soepel uit allemaal. booming ing business daar?

Von_Dutch said...

als je met 'booming' 'debt restructuring' en 'cost containment' bedoelt wel ja :)