Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No Way Out

Well, I am going to do it! The stakes have been raised:

Dear all,
This Sunday, February 8, there is the Vertical Marathon in Republic Plaza - Raffles Place.
Before we knew it meant running up 60 floors or 1’440 stairs - Luuk, Gerbrand, Rob, Berend and Jeroen had ‘volunteered’ to test their knees! The reason we are running is not to set an ING record, let alone a Singapore record, rather it is to collect funds for ING Chances for Children – and therefore we need your help!
Our goal is to run separately in a combined time of 75 minutes. Some of us will need more than 15 minutes, while others might be faster. However, it is a team approach and we feel fit to make the 75 minutes mark. If you agree that this is a considerable achievement, like we do, you are kindly invited to help us raise funds for ING CfC.
If you want to put us to the test and reward us for an even faster time, we will promise - as decent bankers - that any financial incentive will definitely make us run faster!
WB Asia region has kindly offered to double the total donations in case we will be faster than 75 minutes.
For your donations, please contact Silvia Yeo (19th flr - #6269) or Mabel Cheng (21st flr - #6231) tomorrow or latest Tuesday, February 10. Donations received until then will be included in the matching programme - hopefully…...
Thanking you in advance for your moral and financial support!
Luuk, Gerbrand, Rob, Berend and Jeroen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Luuk!
Ouwe skyscraper marathon loper! Ben aan het bijlezen op je blog. Zelf druk geweest met werk, dus was er nog niet echt van gekomen. Verhalen klinken allemaal erg goed, ik ben best een beetje jaloers :)
Hoe is het werk daar in Singapore? en de ING office? Vergelijkbaar met NL? Als je al wat mooie pica's hebt gemaakt zie ik ze graag!
Groeten! Theo
ps is het gelukt in 15min? of heb je de 75 minuten voor jezelf nodig gehad :D